Laboratory research and manufacturing


As explorers and pioneers, we aim to expand our experience well beyond German wineries. We have our sights set on reaching more people and creating finer wines from many different regions of the world.

Our passion for wine and our intense focus on creating the best non-alcoholic wine lead us to travel the globe and put over 1000 wines through our de-alcoholization process. We take the time to closely measure and observe changes to the wines and look for the finest flavors and aromas for the Kolonne Null collection.We set out on an international journey to seek the best de-alcoholization factories and production processes. We are dedicated to our partnerships with the vineyards and wineries and have experimented and tested unique equipment in Germany, Spain, and California. We conducted assessments on the best methods of thermal separation for vacuum rectification, blending, membrane filtration, and sweetening options. We didn’t stop there. 

Kolonne Null: Entalkoholisierung von Wein - Die Nachfrage nach gut schmeckenden alkoholfreien Produkten ist großKolonne Null: Alkoholfreier Wein - bereit für Neuentdeckung?


We continued to look at the influence of wood and the maturation of the grapes in order to create successful partnerships and production processes. Short and sweet: We aim to continue the research and development within our own lab and we are constantly pushed by our passion to discover how we can cultivate the highest quality non-alcoholic wines in the world.


Not all grapes are the same, that's why we carefully consider and inspect the delicate and subtle differences between them and the wines we select for production. We strictly use traditionally pressed and particularly aromatic vintage wines or cuvées of the highest quality. We believe that the chemistry and relationship between us and the wineries needs to be right before we move forward with the de-alcoholization process. Every day, our beverage technologists in the Berlin research laboratory carefully test whether the selection of wines is suitable to ensure the best possible taste. We scruitize the wines in order to deliver a satisfying flavor. Only the most brilliant results are produced on a larger scale and become part of the Kolonne Null collection. We utilize our research and experience in our laboratory and share the insights with our partners in order to contribute to the production process early on when the grapes are still on the vine.



Non-alcoholic wines can be produced in a variety of different methods. We rely on de-alcoholization by vacuum distillation in order to gently remove the alcohol from the selected wines down to a max. residual alcohol content of 0.3%. The thermal vacuum has the advantage that the alcohol escapes at a low temperature of 30°C. This method allows us to keep the structure of the original wine intact while delicately separating the alcohol.

This is immediately followed by aroma recovery to capture the natural aromas from the wine. This preserves the diverse character and overall style of each individual wine. In order to hold higher standards we do not use any artificial flavors or coloring. We replace the sweetness that is diminished through the de-alcoholization process with a subtle amount of natural sugars. Depending on the variety of wine we will add CO2 to our to give it a sparkling character.

We invest a great deal of time and resources in the detail and approach our products with absolute dedication - from the grape on the vine to bottling and sharing with you.

This results in a completely new and fresh non-alcoholic alternative to alcohol - KOLONNE NULL!

Kolonne Null Vakuum-Methode - das am schonendsten durchführbare Verfahren, da die Weinaromen trotz des Alkoholentzugs zum großen Teil erhalten bleiben.Kolonne Null mit der Ernten hochzufrieden. Perfekte Weintrauben für ein alkoholfreies Geschmackserlebnis